Here you will learn about many different men’s health concerns to watch for after your 40’s.
Many of us have hoped we achieved our professional and personal goals by around the age of 40 but now we must be more resilient regarding our health.
Here are a couple of health concern’s to watch out for:

Stroke: According to studies, by your mid-40’s your risk of getting a stroke doubles each decade after that. There is no time better than the present to keep an eye on your risk factors, which might include high blood pressure, poor diet and lack of exercise. Any physical activity will help you reduce your risk.

Hypertension: Here is another health concern to watch for after your 40;s. It is known as high blood pressure and can definitely promote severe health problems if not addressed. You can become a candidate for a stroke or a heart attack. Be sure to check your blood pressure and watch your diet.

Prostate Cancer: Research suggests, the risk of prostate cancer increases for men after they hit their 40’s. Now is the time to make sure you schedule your annual exam to check your prostate.

Obesity: Since our metabolism tends to slow down in our 40’s, obesity can be a risk. Typically, middle age is sometimes linked to weight gain. It is greatly associated to our increased sedentary lifestyles that many of us have adopted. It is critical to maintain a healthy weight through your 40’s.

Colon Cancer: The American Cancer Society suggests, in the United States alone, there will be close to 100,000 cases of colon cancer diagnosed each year. Men have about one in 22 risk of developing this disease. This disease still causes more than 50,000 deaths in the U.S. each year and most of them are associated to men over 40.

Stress: In our 40’s, stress is typically running rampant for many of us. At this point in our life our responsibilities have probably doubled which brings us more stress. Stress can contribute to hair loss, weight gain and increased risk of heart attack.

Pancreatic Cancer: Research suggests, pancreatic cancer tends to spike after your 40’s. The survival rates for pancreatic cancer remain quite low. It is imperative we understand the risk factors of this disease. This includes tobacco use and obesity, as you age.

Diabetes: This is one of the most common men’s health concerns after your 40’s. Some of the most common symptoms are frequent urination and very thirsty. There are some serious health complications you can get from this issue, which can include organ failure or blindness.

Low Testosterone: As we hit our 40’s, our testosterone levels drop dramatically. If our levels get too low, it can lead to decreased muscle mass, low sex drive or fatigue. A basic blood test can tell you where your levels are currently at and there are many treatments widely available for it.

Sleep Apnea: For many of us, fatigue never seems to go away and it might be related to sleep apnea. This is a condition that causes you to suddenly stop breathing while you are sleeping. In turn, this can cause sudden death. Lowering your weight and using a CPAP machine may help you treat this health issue.

Memory Loss: As we age, the risk of memory losses increases quite a bit. Research suggest by the age of 65, almost half of the adults will be dealing with some type of memory loss. There is hope if you can catch this health issue early, by treating it with exercise, eating better or medication.

Cirrhosis: Another health concern is scar tissue in the liver that impedes its function over time. Typically, this is often caused by fat accumulation or alcohol use, it mostly starts affecting men in their middle age. The damage for the most part cannot be undone. If it is caught early, some of the worst damage can be avoided.

Alcoholism: In your 20’s, you have might have been some social drinker, but once you hit 40, it’s time to control your alcohol intake. Alcohol can cause digestive cancers and obesity. Be sure to control your alcohol intake as you enter this stage in your life, it can do more damage than you think.

Depression: Here is another men’s health concern after your 40’s. This day and age many of us are much more prone to getting some type of depression. Whether it is financial hardship, social isolation or pandemic health issues. Let’s lift each other up and look out for one another.

Pneumonia: This is an infection of the lungs that is very dangerous for young kids and senior adults. Pneumonia has taken countless lives in the United States every year. Some of the symptoms you may experience are chills, cough or chest pain.

Osteoporosis: After your 20’s, the body starts losing it’s overall bone mass. If your bone mass shrinks too much, they will become weak and brittle. This will make you more prone for fractures or falls. Be sure to consume enough protein and calcium. In addition, make sure to maintain a healthy body weight, it will help support your bones.

Ulcers: According to studies, ulcers typically occur in men between the ages of 30 and 50. One of the keys to treating ulcers is to do it quickly. There are many invasive treatments that can be avoided if we prevent complications early on.