What is Ketosis, and the health benefits for you?

keto diet

What is Ketosis?


Ketosis is a process that happens when your body doesn’t have enough carbohydrates to burn for energy and so it burns fat.  While this happens it makes things called ketones, which it uses for fuel.

The keto diet has taken the weight loss world by storm and it is showing to have some nifty benefits.  Can this be your new go to diet?


What is the keto diet?

The keto diet is a higher fat, low carb and moderate protein diet.  The goal is to help you burn more fat efficiently.  Some studies show that one of the main benefits is weight loss but it can aid in your overall health.  As a result, you will eat less carbohydrates on a keto diet, you will maintain a moderate protein consumption.  You may increase your intake of fat.  Basically the reduction in carb intakes puts your body in a metabolic state call ketosis.  The fat from your diet and your body, is burned for energy.


The ketogenic diet is certainly known for being beneficial is many areas of health.


Health Benefits of a Ketogenic Diet:


Decrease Inflammation:  Inflammation is the body’s natural response to fight infection and heal.  If we have too much inflammation, it can cause fatigue, pain and swelling.  The ketones our body produces during the keto diet have strong anti-inflammatory properties.  As a result, it has been shown to have similar effects to pain relief medicine.

Weight Loss:  The most common health benefit is weight loss.  Weight loss with the keto diet is very effective for one easy reason, you don’t have to starve yourself to get there.  You will be able to eat foods loaded with good fats that triggers the fat-burning metabolic process known as ketosis.  Once your body is used to this type of diet, you typically will experience increased energy levels.

Lower Blood Sugar:  It’s not hard to understand why this diet helps blood sugar control. You are eliminating the sugar and most carbohydrates.  Most people find a healthy decrease in their blood sugar when following this regiment.  As a result, this is highly popular with diabetics and will typically aid with lowering their glucose levels.  One you deprive your body of glucose store, your body starts using fats for fuel versus carbohydrates.  In other words, this causes your insulin levels to lower.  Finally, some studies suggest that people are able to lower their medications due to this type of diet.

Reduce Cholesterol:  Many people see a decrease in total cholesterol, due to an increase in HDL and a decrease in triglycerides.  Initially, some people experience a slight rise in cholesterol because of the initial rapid weight loss, but once that subsides your overall cholesterol should reduce.

Lower Blood Pressure:  If you have high blood pressure, you will certainly appreciate the results from a keto diet.  Some studies suggest, many people experience a healthy reduction in blood pressure and you might even be able to lower your blood pressure medication.

Aids Brain Health:  Research shows that it may aid in reducing the amount of seizures in people who suffer from them.  Scientists suggest that ketones are a natural brain antioxidant.  Keeping that in mind, the ketones may help to protect the brain from neurodegenerative diseases or strokes.

Helps Migraines:  Many of us suffer from migraines or know someone who does.  Some studies suggest a reduction in migraines when following the keto diet.  It is hypothesized that the effects on neural inflammation plays a part in its success.  More research is needed in this area.

Reduces Appetite:  The beauty of this diet is that when you eat, you actually feel satisfied.  Normally, your old cravings and sugar peaks disappear and you are more content.   When experiencing ketosis, it is a great suppressor on your appetite which helps you with your overall weight loss goals.


What are the risks?

  • Might Stress Your Kidneys:  With the increase of high fat animal foods, you may have a higher risk of developing kidney stones.  The reason why this may happen is that eating a high amount animal foods can cause your urine and blood to become more acidic, this leads to increased excretion of calcium in your urine.  With this in mind, the keto diet reduces the amount of citrate that is normally released in your urine.  Citrate normally aids in helping to prevent kidney stones from being formed.

  • May Hurt Bone Health:  Studies suggest decreased bone strength may also be linked to the keto diet.  As your body adapts to ketosis, you may experience a loss of bone mineral density.  More research is definitely recommended in these studies.

  • Digestive Issues:  The reduction of carbs doesn’t make it easy to fulfill your daily fiber requirements.  Many of the best sources of fiber are eliminated because of the high intake of many other carbs.  As a result, constipation and digestive cramping is not uncommon.  Also note, low fiber diets will negatively affect your gut bacteria.

  • Keto Flu:  Due to the fact, your carb intake is less than 50 grams per day, this might come as a shock to your body.  Once your body loses it carb stores and switches to fat and ketones for fuel, you may experience flu like symptoms.  These may include nausea, fatigue, dizziness and constipation.  This frequently happens as your body adjusts to ketosis.

What is speed keto?

It is a combination of 2 weight loss programs:

  • Intermittent Fasting

  • Ketogenic Diet

On a normal keto diet program, you’d break your calories into:

  • 75% fat

  • 20% protein

  • 5% carbs (<50 grams of carbs per day)

With a Speed Keto program, add one-meal-a-day fasting (OMAD) with your standard keto diet program.  In a nutshell, you eat all your daily calories in a single sitting.  After that you only drink water for the remainder of the day.


keto diet image

Conclusion:  The amount of health benefits of the keto diet is quite impressive.  Whether, you have high blood pressure, overweight issues or high blood sugar, you can benefit from this.  Studies are still continuing today to further understand the body’s effects from the ketogenic diet.  Either way, be sure to check with your primary care physician or dietitian before start any type of diet plan.


Interested in learning about this amazing green superfood called spirulina, check it out here!

What’s All The Hoopla On Oat Milk?

hype about oats milk

What is Oat Milk?

Oat milk is a vegan-friendly and lactose free alternative to cow’s milk.  It’s basically made from oats and water blended together, then strained to leave the pulp.  The milk can be consumed at this point or you can add some natural sweetners such as cinnamon or vanilla, for extra flavor.

If created correctly, it will have a creamy texture with high amounts of protein and fiber.  After creating it, there is typically some leftover pulp.  You can use it to make a face mask or bake them into cookies.

Health Benefits of Oat Milk: 


hoopla on oat milk

  • Cholesterol Free

    • This has zero cholesterol and is dairy free.  Some studies suggest, drinking this regularly may even lower your bad cholesterol.  Too much bad cholesterol can lead to atherosclerosis and can set you up for cardiovascular disease.  Furthermore, by replacing your regular milk with oats milk, you are reducing your cholesterol intake.

dairy free

  • Dairy Free

    • This is dairy free, as well as low fat.  It is a good choice for us lactose intolerant folks.  It is gluten free by nature but be careful.  The processing equipment used to make it may have remnants of gluten from other gluten grains previously in the machine.


  • Good Fiber

    • This has twice the amount of fiber than regular (cow) milk and it is a great choice adding fiber to your diet.  In other words, the fiber will help boost up our immune system and may assist in improving the body’s ability to heal itself.

blood sugar

  • Helps Regulate Blood Sugar

    • This has twice the amount of fiber than regular (cow) milk and it is a great choice adding fiber to your diet.  The fiber will help boost up our immune system and may assist in improving the body’s ability to heal itself.


  • High Levels of Iron

    • This is a good source of iron for anyone looking to boost their levels.  This is also quite popular with  vegans who might need that iron increase.  Sufficient iron levels many help prevent anemia.  It is critical to your red blood cell productions, as well.  This is just some more hoopla on oat milk.

Conclusion:  As you can see there are some real benefits to switching to oat milk.  These days we can use all the health benefits we can accrue along our journey.  Either way, we can get benefits from nutrition and physical exercise.  One thing is certain, looks like oats milk might be worthwhile item to check out.  Stay healthy everyone!

On a side note, this tip may help you get some relief if you or someone you know might be suffering from an ailment!  Either way, we should all follow good nutrition habits to improve our longevity.

8 Health Benefits of a Keto Diet

Keto Diet Benefits

8 Benefits of a Keto Diet

Inflammation:  Many of the foods that encompass the diet are highly anti-inflammatory.

Here are a couple of them:

Coconut oil
Fatty fish

Blood Pressure:  Many people following the ketogenic diet have experienced a healthy reduction in their blood pressure and some healthy weight loss.

Heart Health:  A diet higher in fats and low in carbohydrates has been known to aid in helping reduce some of the factors associated with heart disease.

Migraines:  Many people on this diet have suggested a large decrease in their normal amount of migraines.  I personally know many people suffering from migraines and would benefit from this.  

Appetite Reduction:  When you eat on this type of diet, you are satisfied.  Your body will work more efficiently burning the fats and food.  Typically many of our sugar cravings will reduce tremendously.

Weight Loss:  This by far is one of the most popular benefits of this diet.  This is truly known as one of the best fat-burning diets around.  On top of the weight loss, you won’t starve yourself in the process.

Cholesterol:  Many people experience a healthy decrease in their total cholesterol. People often experience a decrease in triglycerides, and sometimes an increase in HDL. Usually in the beginning, you may have a temporary rise in your LDL cholesterol but that typically will come down over time.

Acne:  They suggest this diet may aid in your overall skin clarity.  There are studies going on that suggests it plays a significant part in our hormone levels which would definitely affect our skin.

This diet is quite popular with a lot of people and provides some healthy results.

How many of us would love to shed a couple of pounds and not starve in the process?

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